This class experience has been very interesting and fun. I have also learned some new things that I will need towards achieving my goals in the fashion industry. I have been doing good in this class and I have been pushing my limits to come up with creative ideas that will help my work have a better understanding. I have learned how typography can improve your products success because people like to be visually entertained. Typography can display emotions also depending on what text you choose. I have also learned that storytelling is a major process you must go through when you want to make your product portray a story or a scene which helps people make decisions towards buying a product. I have incorporated storytelling in other projects due in other classes that help make my ideas stand out. I have used storytelling to portray emotions that people go through in daily life. Storytelling can be used in many situations and can help influence decisions and ideas whether or not the product or concept is right for the person. I have also learned that creative thinking is one of the hugest factors that is incorporated when making products. Creative thinking can stand for so many purposes. Creative thinking will help in the process about how your product will be, what will the product stand for, for what purpose it is being used, and for what kind of audience. Creative thinking will help you think about commercials and advertisements you will use to promote products and make them stand out among every other product out their. Everything that I have been taught will help me in the process of creating an outstanding company. It will also help me promote my products that will be produced for the public. I personally think I deserve an A- and the reason for this is because I missed 1 class period and missed 1 assignment. Although I missed 1 class period I really have been pushing myself and have been finishing every project that is due for the designed class period on time except for the one that I was not here for. Everything else has been running smoothly and I have been keeping up with my tweets and my project on a daily basis. So grade wise I think an A-
This blog is meant to inform and show my progress in my abilities and ideas.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Analysis of Project in the Real World
" In an overcrowded, competitive marketplace, relevant and engaging branding can ensure efficacy for a quality product, service, group, individual, or commodity" ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 4 pg 1)
This product has achieved the goals and challenges faced from other competitors. This product has done it's job since 1972 when the brand was founded. It is intended to make the consumer feel good and make your hair smooth and untouchably soft. Being a popular brand among the public Herbal Essences has now produced 11 collections of the product, each with their own unique effect for every users hair.
This product has achieved the goals and challenges faced from other competitors. This product has done it's job since 1972 when the brand was founded. It is intended to make the consumer feel good and make your hair smooth and untouchably soft. Being a popular brand among the public Herbal Essences has now produced 11 collections of the product, each with their own unique effect for every users hair.
"What differentiates a brand is how it is characterized, its visual and verbal identity as expressed in each media unit and through every point of contact." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 4 pg 4) This brand is different in many aspects and uses different ingrediants not found in shampoos.
It uses a fusion of pink lily and asian silk which is very unique and special with every latherto improve hairs health. "Knowing what made an idea come together well once has made me be more receptive to letting it happen again. And again" ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 11) and Herbal Essences has kept that idea repetitive by using mind maps to help them organize and relate the products images, ideas, and words using this creative thinking process. "A mind map is a visual representation, diagram, or presentation of the various ways words, terms, images, thoughts, or ideas can be related to one another."( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 3 pg 6)
One strategy that has also made this brand succeed is commercial advertising! "Commercial advertising promotes brands and commodities by informing consumers; it is also used to promote individuals, groups, corporations, manufacturers. Commercial advertising takes many forms, from single print advertisements to campaigns in any media to sponsorships to branded utilities."( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 15) This has helped advertise the product and represent the company, many buyers today are satisfied with the results. Advertising has helped promote the brand quiet well with its unique imagery and typography to commercials on television. Many people like to be wowed by what they see and with our product that is what they get at the end because we do not only care about our product, we also care about our customers and buyers. This brand and product will continue on to succeed and improve as time passes by and it will sure leave customers feeling satisfied and confident about their hair.
One strategy that has also made this brand succeed is commercial advertising! "Commercial advertising promotes brands and commodities by informing consumers; it is also used to promote individuals, groups, corporations, manufacturers. Commercial advertising takes many forms, from single print advertisements to campaigns in any media to sponsorships to branded utilities."( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 15) This has helped advertise the product and represent the company, many buyers today are satisfied with the results. Advertising has helped promote the brand quiet well with its unique imagery and typography to commercials on television. Many people like to be wowed by what they see and with our product that is what they get at the end because we do not only care about our product, we also care about our customers and buyers. This brand and product will continue on to succeed and improve as time passes by and it will sure leave customers feeling satisfied and confident about their hair.
Creative Content
The creative content is one of the important key factors that will help your ideas bring the product to life.
Creativity is everywhere in music, art, ideas, ect. "Creative thinkers have an advantage—they have nimble, flexible minds, able to solve problems in ways most cannot." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 3 pg 1) The creative content can be combined to make a interesting ending product that will help excite and amuse people that will give them that urge to buy the product.
Thinking can cause creativity and "Often, when we are relaxed and not working at idea generation—perhaps while driving, cooking, exercising, showering, or doodling—a concept comes to us." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 5 pg 11) So pretty much anything you see, hear, feel, and do can spark creativity and help build a good concept.
Creating something unheard of or something new can be very creative and can be a advantage toward a fresh idea. "To create something fresh, you need to know what has already been done. You've seen millions of ads in your lifetime and probably know what looks, feels, and sounds stale by now. The ability to deconstruct and categorize ads is a useful skill for those who aspire to do creative work." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 7 pg 1)
A campaign can help a can be effective when using your creativity towards a product. "An advertising campaign is a series of coordinated ads, based on an overarching strategy and closely related ideas and connected by look and feel, voice, tone, style, imagery, and tagline, where each individual ad in the campaign also can stand on its own." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 10 pg 1)
This includes pictures, music, and textures for the product.
Storytelling is a very creative method but very difficult and time consuming when it comes to the product. " In marketing, we use storytelling about a brand or group to communicate related messages that, over a period of time, will distinguish, differentiate, reflect positively, construct or contribute to its brand personality, be memorable (stick), resonate, and influence people." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 10 pg 5)
Storytelling is very strategic and requires a lot of creativity to come up with that theme or concept to
represent the product. The story should have have a a subject or a situation to tell to make the whole idea illuminate. "A story has to address the brand and make it the “hero” or even the “action hero” of the story" ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 10 pg 7) It cannot be the villian or else it would contradict the product and make it look like a bad product. Storytelling can be quite difficult but can be very effective when it comes to emotions.
For my product I want to use my creativity to make unique colors and drawings. These two things will help people visualize and bring my ideas to life. Color is one important factor, many people love to see color and they are often amused with the variation of colors objects are. Color can also have emotion to it pale can mean gloomy or sad as in pink would have a very positive happy emotion to it. Choosing the right colors is a creative way to make something unique out of something plain.
"Once you generate an ad idea, you need to evaluate it, testing it for functionality and creativity." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 5 pg 11)
Knowing what exactly your product is about is one of the first steps to begin to think what the product does.Creativity is everywhere in music, art, ideas, ect. "Creative thinkers have an advantage—they have nimble, flexible minds, able to solve problems in ways most cannot." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 3 pg 1) The creative content can be combined to make a interesting ending product that will help excite and amuse people that will give them that urge to buy the product.
Thinking can cause creativity and "Often, when we are relaxed and not working at idea generation—perhaps while driving, cooking, exercising, showering, or doodling—a concept comes to us." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 5 pg 11) So pretty much anything you see, hear, feel, and do can spark creativity and help build a good concept.
Creating something unheard of or something new can be very creative and can be a advantage toward a fresh idea. "To create something fresh, you need to know what has already been done. You've seen millions of ads in your lifetime and probably know what looks, feels, and sounds stale by now. The ability to deconstruct and categorize ads is a useful skill for those who aspire to do creative work." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 7 pg 1)
A campaign can help a can be effective when using your creativity towards a product. "An advertising campaign is a series of coordinated ads, based on an overarching strategy and closely related ideas and connected by look and feel, voice, tone, style, imagery, and tagline, where each individual ad in the campaign also can stand on its own." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 10 pg 1)
This includes pictures, music, and textures for the product.
Storytelling is a very creative method but very difficult and time consuming when it comes to the product. " In marketing, we use storytelling about a brand or group to communicate related messages that, over a period of time, will distinguish, differentiate, reflect positively, construct or contribute to its brand personality, be memorable (stick), resonate, and influence people." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 10 pg 5)
Storytelling is very strategic and requires a lot of creativity to come up with that theme or concept to
represent the product. The story should have have a a subject or a situation to tell to make the whole idea illuminate. "A story has to address the brand and make it the “hero” or even the “action hero” of the story" ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 10 pg 7) It cannot be the villian or else it would contradict the product and make it look like a bad product. Storytelling can be quite difficult but can be very effective when it comes to emotions.
For my product I want to use my creativity to make unique colors and drawings. These two things will help people visualize and bring my ideas to life. Color is one important factor, many people love to see color and they are often amused with the variation of colors objects are. Color can also have emotion to it pale can mean gloomy or sad as in pink would have a very positive happy emotion to it. Choosing the right colors is a creative way to make something unique out of something plain.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Their are so many ways I can promote the ponroduct that I chose. First their is adverstising, "for such advertising to affect you, it has to seem relevant to you, and it has to be presented through media channels that will reach you."( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 1). "For example, most shampoos in the same price category (perhaps even across price categories) use similar ingredients and provide equivalent results."( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 1) Advertising can help change the way you think and the way you feel about the product "That said, effective advertising could persuade you that a particular brand is better or more appealing than the competition."( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 1)
Copywriting is another way to promote when it comes to people. “If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think" ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 6 pg 1)
Copywriting are solid ideas and often very short to get the message that the ad is trying to tell. Visuals and copys help strengthen the ad or product and help people get an idea what the main purpose of the product is all about.
Another way on promoting the product is using typography and visualizaition."Typography is the design of letterforms and the arrangement of them in two-dimensional space (for print- and screen-based media) and in space and time (for motion and interactive media)." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 8 pg 1) It can help communicate ideas or feelings depending on how the text is made. For Example "Classic typefaces also possess visual qualities that have survived changes in fashion, those without eccentricities or trendy qualities." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 8 pg 2)
It can be made for use on products, tee shirts, billboards, and cards. These methods help people decide whether or not the typography has convinced them enough to buy the product.
Commercials are another way to promote a product. Commercials have 6 purposes
Copywriting is another way to promote when it comes to people. “If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think" ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 6 pg 1)
Copywriting are solid ideas and often very short to get the message that the ad is trying to tell. Visuals and copys help strengthen the ad or product and help people get an idea what the main purpose of the product is all about.
Another way on promoting the product is using typography and visualizaition."Typography is the design of letterforms and the arrangement of them in two-dimensional space (for print- and screen-based media) and in space and time (for motion and interactive media)." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 8 pg 1) It can help communicate ideas or feelings depending on how the text is made. For Example "Classic typefaces also possess visual qualities that have survived changes in fashion, those without eccentricities or trendy qualities." ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 8 pg 2)
It can be made for use on products, tee shirts, billboards, and cards. These methods help people decide whether or not the typography has convinced them enough to buy the product.
Commercials are another way to promote a product. Commercials have 6 purposes
Call to action, create awareness, or drive people to the Web". ( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 12 pg 1)
Commercials are a very popular and effective way to communicate your product and express ideas. People see and hear commercials on the web, television, and radio. It helps broadcast the message world wide and get publisized among people.
These are ways you can use to promote a product. Choosing a proper promotion for you product can help boost your products popularity. Knowing how to be creative to come up with a great promotion is very effective and important depending on audience. Know your product well to use every technique in every promotion to help people decide whether or not they want to buy the product.
These are ways you can use to promote a product. Choosing a proper promotion for you product can help boost your products popularity. Knowing how to be creative to come up with a great promotion is very effective and important depending on audience. Know your product well to use every technique in every promotion to help people decide whether or not they want to buy the product.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
EOC Week 10 "What Makes A Great Ad"
"A great ad is entertaining or its dramatic but it definately has an Idea" Is the point of view of Terry O Reilly. This is one of the most important things in creating a very great ad because you want to be
a able to entertain people and make them have so many emotions when they see a ad. Advertisement is all about emotion and using creative ideas to create that emotion you want a person to portray. You want to also entertain the person with the your creative idea for the ad you are creating. Having a theme to put all these together often helps entertain people. Having a lot of color also entertains people because they love to see a lot of color.
"The type of adverstising media you choose can have a large impact on getting your advertisment idea
across" This is another factor that is important to create a great ad. You want to have an idea of what kind of media you will use to impact people and get them to notice the ad more. You want to also make sure you get your idea across people because if people cannot understand what the ad is about then how is it going to
be interesting for them. People can often get annoyed or confused because they have a hard time trying to decipher what the ad is about or what the point of the ad is. Having a perfect simple idea is a way to help people better understand the concept and they can also be entertained by what they are watching and enjoy it.
"No matter what is the case, they intend to leave you touched and make you remember images and messages they sent you." So another important factor to making a great ad is to make it memorable by telling a story through the ad. If their is not story or plot to the ad then there is no point in it being a successful ad. You want to make people remember the ad through the vivid images or plot you use to create a story that they will never forget. People often remember ads that stir up their emotions and make them start thinking or creating a story in their head. People love to see something that they will never forget they don't want to remember a boring plain ad that does not even spark any attention.
a able to entertain people and make them have so many emotions when they see a ad. Advertisement is all about emotion and using creative ideas to create that emotion you want a person to portray. You want to also entertain the person with the your creative idea for the ad you are creating. Having a theme to put all these together often helps entertain people. Having a lot of color also entertains people because they love to see a lot of color.
"The type of adverstising media you choose can have a large impact on getting your advertisment idea
across" This is another factor that is important to create a great ad. You want to have an idea of what kind of media you will use to impact people and get them to notice the ad more. You want to also make sure you get your idea across people because if people cannot understand what the ad is about then how is it going to
be interesting for them. People can often get annoyed or confused because they have a hard time trying to decipher what the ad is about or what the point of the ad is. Having a perfect simple idea is a way to help people better understand the concept and they can also be entertained by what they are watching and enjoy it.
"No matter what is the case, they intend to leave you touched and make you remember images and messages they sent you." So another important factor to making a great ad is to make it memorable by telling a story through the ad. If their is not story or plot to the ad then there is no point in it being a successful ad. You want to make people remember the ad through the vivid images or plot you use to create a story that they will never forget. People often remember ads that stir up their emotions and make them start thinking or creating a story in their head. People love to see something that they will never forget they don't want to remember a boring plain ad that does not even spark any attention.
The Big Idea
To attract my customers "Advertising is used in a free-market system to promote one brand or group over another"( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 1) which is what I'm planning to use to promote Garnier over Pantene. To start this I need to use 6 phases to begin my products process:
I will start a commercial to promote the product and boost its popularity through the audience since "The audience is the main group who would purchase this product, utilize this information or service, or patronize this entity or brand." (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 2). I want everyone to say “We saw your commercial tonight!”
as an advantage against my competitors since they are more focused on selling the product instead of adding a
bit of color and playfullness to a make it interesting instead of boring.
I guess a big key in my ideas for more sells and to distinguish it against my competitors would be the design of the bottle and making it playful to fit all ages. "In this phase, the idea is articulated in visual form. Several distinct and targeted options are presented to a client. Therefore, for every project an agency or studio must conceive, design, and present several creative solutions." (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 7) Making art out of shampoo is unthinkable and it adds a bit of charm to the product since many of the other competitors don't have that idea of making there products towards every age and person in the world. "The act of creating art—painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, collage, photography, any traditional or nontraditional art—activates several parts of the brain, sharpens thinking, provokes the mind's associative network, and increases focus to a point where creative thinking can occur." (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 9) Their is 3 steps you must follow when your in the art process:
Move From Surface To Surface Or Medium To Medium" (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 3 pg 9 )
This will help me focus more on the artistic views of the product and toward what audience it is made for. The playful design of the product will attract kids and will make the parents to choose the product, and since it is made for all ages it will definitely benefit the parent also. Many kids don't like showers so maybe with a bit of playful design and color for the bottle kids will be more willing to want to take a shower since it makes the product seem very fun. The color attracts every person of every age and who doesn't want color on products. Color makes the product shine and look very appealing to every person of all ages. Pantene does not offer a lot of color for their product and it does not look very appealing, it makes it look dull and plain. The bottles design does not attract kids because it is more towards the adults since the product is more adult like, with Herbal Essence we provide every person of every age the ability to use our product because we do not limit it to a specific age group. I think our product has advantages with all ages with its unique, artistic, colorful bottle design.
"The best adverting works by attracting people to the benefit of a product or service with a story."(Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 10 )
Herbal Essences wants to put emotions through the product because every person goes through different emotions, each emotion is a different story told that makes memories which is one of our goals creating that unique story to bring out emotion. Using these 7 ideas to create the story to bring out every persons emotion is what brings the product come to life
Photomontage" (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 3 pg 10 )
We want to show everyone that we care about how you feel and we don't just care about our product which I think differentiates us from the competitors. Our clients are very important and that of all is one of the hugest and biggest key factors that makes our products be popular among everyone.
this long process helps a lot when it comes to starting to attract and promote products or brands.
I will start a commercial to promote the product and boost its popularity through the audience since "The audience is the main group who would purchase this product, utilize this information or service, or patronize this entity or brand." (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 2). I want everyone to say “We saw your commercial tonight!”
( Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 11)
to get them excited and interested in buying the product since it is one of the most popular ways to attract attention.
After the commercial I would start on creating very interesting colorful ads that has to do with the concept or other interesting ideas that revolve on the slogan and the products use. Since color in ads and the commercials are very alluring to buyers and every person in the world that is one of the big main concepts I would useas an advantage against my competitors since they are more focused on selling the product instead of adding a
bit of color and playfullness to a make it interesting instead of boring.
I guess a big key in my ideas for more sells and to distinguish it against my competitors would be the design of the bottle and making it playful to fit all ages. "In this phase, the idea is articulated in visual form. Several distinct and targeted options are presented to a client. Therefore, for every project an agency or studio must conceive, design, and present several creative solutions." (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 7) Making art out of shampoo is unthinkable and it adds a bit of charm to the product since many of the other competitors don't have that idea of making there products towards every age and person in the world. "The act of creating art—painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, collage, photography, any traditional or nontraditional art—activates several parts of the brain, sharpens thinking, provokes the mind's associative network, and increases focus to a point where creative thinking can occur." (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 9) Their is 3 steps you must follow when your in the art process:
This will help me focus more on the artistic views of the product and toward what audience it is made for. The playful design of the product will attract kids and will make the parents to choose the product, and since it is made for all ages it will definitely benefit the parent also. Many kids don't like showers so maybe with a bit of playful design and color for the bottle kids will be more willing to want to take a shower since it makes the product seem very fun. The color attracts every person of every age and who doesn't want color on products. Color makes the product shine and look very appealing to every person of all ages. Pantene does not offer a lot of color for their product and it does not look very appealing, it makes it look dull and plain. The bottles design does not attract kids because it is more towards the adults since the product is more adult like, with Herbal Essence we provide every person of every age the ability to use our product because we do not limit it to a specific age group. I think our product has advantages with all ages with its unique, artistic, colorful bottle design.
"The best adverting works by attracting people to the benefit of a product or service with a story."(Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 10 )
Herbal Essences wants to put emotions through the product because every person goes through different emotions, each emotion is a different story told that makes memories which is one of our goals creating that unique story to bring out emotion. Using these 7 ideas to create the story to bring out every persons emotion is what brings the product come to life
Photomontage" (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 3 pg 10 )
We want to show everyone that we care about how you feel and we don't just care about our product which I think differentiates us from the competitors. Our clients are very important and that of all is one of the hugest and biggest key factors that makes our products be popular among everyone.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Competitive analysis
"Being a creative professional in advertising necessitates learning about each product, service, or cause under assignment."(Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 2 )
Learning about your product and your competitors product will give you an advantage to compare and contrast and how to better your own product. Theirs also 3 questions you want to tell yourself when thinking about and gathering information on your competitors. How does the brand or group compare to the competition? Is the brand or group a category or industry leader? In second place? A newcomer?" (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 2 )
"After much reflection on the data and material you have gathered, you develop the direction your solution(s) will take." (Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 2 pg 3 )
It cleanses hair to remove residue for healthy hair with natural shine. The cassia complex helps lock out
humidity so your hair stays smooth.
Pantenes shampoo with cassia complex helps keep hair smooth by creating a protective layer around
hair fibers to help lock out humidity and reduce friction. Avocado, Bamboo, and Grapeseed, this shampoo helps protect hair against damage and reveal natural shine.
"When you look good, you feel good … and Pantene will help you get there. In fact, if you don’t absolutely love this product, we’ll send you 2X your money back. Now that’s a beautiful promise." is what Pantene provides.
So my product and Pantenes both provide smooth soft hair. They both provide healthy strong hair and natural shine. Differences that they both share is the ingredients that each product has. Pantene gets rid of frizz and Herbal Essences provides straightens hair without a flat iron. The bottles that each product is immersed in. The color and trademarks that each product stands for.
Pantene is taking a step ahead to make the world healthy by using biased bottles. They are improving their research on more vitimans to provide hair with softness. They attract people by using cassia in the products to provide
a better experience.
My product is bigger and better because our company does not worry about how your hair feels but how it smells and most importantly how it makes YOU the consumer feel. Hair for Herbal Essence is an expression and a experience and is sure that one touch wont be enough. The product also styles your hairstyle and also indulges you in its sweet aroma that will make your heads turn.It has a fusion of pink lily and asian silk to provide that soft lucious hair. It is also a experience enabler that immerses you inside and out of the shower.We don't use plant biased bottle for out product but we do have color in each bottle. It is our products trademark and the rainbow is the medium to make your hair get noticed. Nature is our inspiration the way it smells, feels, the way it looks, and how it makes you feel. Reveal beauty as nature intended and nurture your inner nature.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
EOC Week 9: For Those Who Think Younger
In my opinion I think that every ad in Pepsi is aimed at every age group. It is aimed for those housewives that want to be those celebreties or movie stars on television. It is aimed for those hardworking men that want to feel attractive and wanted. It is meant for those aspiring artists that want to dream big and think of themselves for the next Pepsi commercial. It is aimed for everyone nowadays, it is not restricted only for young people. Every person wants to live there fantasy and what Pepsi displays in their commericals and offers is that you don't have to be young to drink a pepsi you can be old and still feel amazing. Every different commercial has a different model or actor that is either young or old but in my opinion they do this to make people think outside the box and think of themselves as the person that is in the commercial. In every pepsi ad there is a variety in age groups and it is not only one age group.
Pepsi trys to sell their product not only for the younger people but for every person.
In each can their is a little bit of everything and when people see all these different types of commercials they realize that it is not only meant for a younger audience but also for the older audience. Now what people try to do to make more profit since we are in a money consuming
generation they try to dedicate their ads and commericial towards everyone and not only younger audiences.
In this new commercial for Pepsi we can see a variety of people drinking and enjoying Pepsi products. At the end they have a slogan saying "Whos's Next" this particular commercial is for The X-Factor show but this slogan can have many meanings and can be dedicated towards everyone in the world and not singers or celebrities.
Pepsi trys to sell their product not only for the younger people but for every person.
In each can their is a little bit of everything and when people see all these different types of commercials they realize that it is not only meant for a younger audience but also for the older audience. Now what people try to do to make more profit since we are in a money consuming
generation they try to dedicate their ads and commericial towards everyone and not only younger audiences.
In this new commercial for Pepsi we can see a variety of people drinking and enjoying Pepsi products. At the end they have a slogan saying "Whos's Next" this particular commercial is for The X-Factor show but this slogan can have many meanings and can be dedicated towards everyone in the world and not singers or celebrities.
"Herbal Essences "Touchably Smooth: Desirable Among All"
“Your Season Has Come”(Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 11) a new product to make you shine and have your hair smooth and soft like it was meant to be. Herbal Essences provides the soft and smoothness with the help of lilys and chinese silk. The slogan I chose for this brand product is "Desirable Among All". It means this product is not meant to be limited to certain age groups or ethnicities, everyone has the right to touchably smooth hair. Since I have to use “marketing as service"(Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 10) it is very important to use all the elements "just right"(Advertising by Design,Copyright © 2010 by Robin Landa, chapt 1 pg 10) for this brand.
It is unique because this product provides that smooth soft hair that everyone yearns for. Every person around the world desires and dreams about smooth touchable hair. Every little moment you take to lather your hair in this luscious product is a story for every person. Every woman and girl wants to be that famous movie star, a princess from a fairytale, or that beautiful model that they admire. The purpose of this product is to provide that dream to every person in the world.
Another thing that this product is supposed to do is to strenghthen hair and make it completely healthy.
It is all natural and has vitamins and antioxedents that helps hair maintain good health. Making it healthy means that the hair can stay soft for a longer period and keep on smoothing hair with
every use without using any chemicals that can damage and harm hair.
Our product is aimed for every age and it is supposed to capture emotions that every person feels. We care about your hair and our clients which is one of the things that makes us unique and different from all the other brands. Our product is not just a brand but a story that we want everyone to live and feel while they bathe in the luscious silkly soft shampoo made of lilys and silk. We do not only just care about the product but also about your hair, we want to make every person feel beautiful and we also want to create stories with the different types of products that we offer. Our product is more about the consumers and it helps draw in people of all ages. Our product is not age restricted it is for everyone to use not like all the other products that are only made for a certain age groups.
It is unique because this product provides that smooth soft hair that everyone yearns for. Every person around the world desires and dreams about smooth touchable hair. Every little moment you take to lather your hair in this luscious product is a story for every person. Every woman and girl wants to be that famous movie star, a princess from a fairytale, or that beautiful model that they admire. The purpose of this product is to provide that dream to every person in the world.
Another thing that this product is supposed to do is to strenghthen hair and make it completely healthy.
It is all natural and has vitamins and antioxedents that helps hair maintain good health. Making it healthy means that the hair can stay soft for a longer period and keep on smoothing hair with
every use without using any chemicals that can damage and harm hair.
Our product is aimed for every age and it is supposed to capture emotions that every person feels. We care about your hair and our clients which is one of the things that makes us unique and different from all the other brands. Our product is not just a brand but a story that we want everyone to live and feel while they bathe in the luscious silkly soft shampoo made of lilys and silk. We do not only just care about the product but also about your hair, we want to make every person feel beautiful and we also want to create stories with the different types of products that we offer. Our product is more about the consumers and it helps draw in people of all ages. Our product is not age restricted it is for everyone to use not like all the other products that are only made for a certain age groups.
Week 9 BOC "Chocolate"
Ghirardelli Intense Dark Premium Dark Chocolate Assortment 19.14 oz bag
Cyber Monday 2011 - Discount Prices Ghirardelli Intense Dark Premium Dark Chocolate Assortment 19.14 oz bag.Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, Luxe Milk Chocolate Assortment, 8.64-Ounce Packages (Pack of 3)
Cyber Monday 2011 - Lowest Price Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, Luxe Milk Chocolate Assortment, 8.64-Ounce Packages (Pack of 3).Jade Chocolates giving 20% off on all purchases through December 7th. All you have to do is throw down the code "recession" when you check out and the savings are yours.
John and Kira's has free ground shipping on a bunch of different items. No word on how long the deal stands, but free shipping is free shipping and there's some great stuff in the items that fall under the deal.
Charles Chocolates is offering free shipping on orders over $25 on cyber monday and tomorrow if you enter the code FREESHIP08.
Romanicos, the purveyors of the 38 calorie truffle and Miami Sushi have free shipping on orders over $50.
Godiva, the queen of the mall chocolate stores, has free standard shipping on orders of $75 or more with the code FREESHIP.
Vosges also has free ground shipping on orders of $75 or more and is good for up to 10 addresses per customer. The magic code in this case is 2812SHIP and is good through the 2nd.
Recchiuti is also in the free shipping crew with free shipping on orders over $125. No code mentioned and is good "for a limited time" so it could go any time.
Another deal I ran into while sifting through Cyber Monday articles is from Lindt! It's not a percentage discount or free shipping, but rather a bonus for spending with them. If you order $50 or more you'll get a 50 assorted Lindor Truffles for free. The deal is going on "for a limited time".
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
EOC Week 7 "The Pitch"
I’m planning to promote the “Herbal Essences” shampoo that makes your hair perfectly smooth and flawless. To promote the product I’am creating a slogan for the product first. “Desirable among all! ” would be my slogan. Who would ever think of a slogan like that? Every girl and woman desires to have perfectly smooth, soft, silky hair. Why? It is a factor that every girl and woman wants to feel sexy and confident towards the public.
This product does more than that it gives you hair that every girl searches for and gives you touchably smooth, soft, flawless hair.
My Ideas for this project later on is to make my product shine like the hair and be desired among all the women and girls. To make it more favorable among other products I will explain what the product does and how it gives the end results. I will explain what is contained in the shampoo and try to pull clients in by adding creative sentences that appeal to the eye to promote the product. I will explain how overtime it will increase and improve your hairs quality to be perfectly smooth and flawless.
I want to also attract everyones attention by creating a story for this project. Every women desires smooth hair so what I’m planning to do is create a story through a picture or an ad to portray smooth desirable hair that every woman dreams of having. To do so I will have friends help me out with a photo shoot to create this story that I’m thinking of. I might add costumes in it and add a snow white theme to it with a whole bunch of girls wanting to feel like the girl that uses herbal essences. I might just have a bunch of girls with hair undone and one with straight ironed hair to keep that story in motion.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
EOC Week 6 "Copywriting"
What I found out about this slogan is that during 1984 presidential election Walter Mondale used the Slogan to wag a finger at his democratic opponent during a primate debate. It went on to be adopted by businesses hungry for "think big" catchphrases. It was created to boost sales and used Mrs. Peller to send that message through the world. It was also used to push burgers became the national expression. The campaign in 1983 played up the absence of heat lamps at Wendy’s and the use of fresh burger patties. The idea for 1984 was to tackle size. It also was a cry to make Wendys stand out in the downsizing of burgers. Many of the food industries such as Mc Donalds for example started making small patties which is why Wendys stepped up their game to inform people that their product had more to offer. They remade the video and added a guy wearing a t-shirt that with the slogan. He walks around the whole city and ends up in front of a wendys ad saying "Heres the beef". After 27 years the ad answered the question in it's commercial and found a clever way to answer the question that actress Peller asked everytime she ended up in a drive thru or a telephone. "Heres the beef" informed everyone that the beef was always found at Wendys making it stand out more. All in all this is slogan was pushed to make other food competitors look like they did not offer as much meat as Wendys. It was incorporated to inform people that the other fast food places were beginning to downsize on the beef. At the end of the video they say " At Wendys You Dont Have To Ask, Where is the beef?"telling the audience that their product offers more beef than an other food franchise and that you don't have to ask at Wendys where the beef is because it is found with them.
In this commercial we see that Mr. Miller has lost his arms due to not having strong bones. Jeff Manning was hired to revive low milk consumption in the U.S in 1993. He then hired a ad agency to create a new campaign ad for milk. Milk sales began declining and milk processors decided to charge extra fund to create new advertisements. Later the created the whole notion that milk was healthy and beneficial to the public. Beginning in the World War 2 milk was promoted to be healthy. The U.S department of agriculture recommended milk as part of the dairy group. Manning later decided to link food and beverage together and decided to step up and make another campaign for milk. Adding cookies and brownies was a way to make that connection with milk and create another ad. The team decided to link sweet food with milk and create a new ad. He had an idea to also put deprivation as part of his idea for the whole milk campaign. Not having milk at a crucial moment when it was needed was a strategy used to make people think that milk was needed in the household for any crucial moment needed. Soon he started creating campaigns with cupcakes and sweets and adding the "got milk?" slogan making it seem that milk was needed to go along with sweets and any tasty food. The sales started increasing as each idea became more and more beneficial to people. Adding milk as a fashionable thing to do was another bright Idea. People drinking milk were now cool said manning and the popularity of mile started increasing its sales more and more. All in all the whole idea of the "Got Milk" ad was created to increase sales and many ads and commercials started expanding and making more popularity to people as it become more and more needed and wanted by people and the household.
In this commercial we see that Mr. Miller has lost his arms due to not having strong bones. Jeff Manning was hired to revive low milk consumption in the U.S in 1993. He then hired a ad agency to create a new campaign ad for milk. Milk sales began declining and milk processors decided to charge extra fund to create new advertisements. Later the created the whole notion that milk was healthy and beneficial to the public. Beginning in the World War 2 milk was promoted to be healthy. The U.S department of agriculture recommended milk as part of the dairy group. Manning later decided to link food and beverage together and decided to step up and make another campaign for milk. Adding cookies and brownies was a way to make that connection with milk and create another ad. The team decided to link sweet food with milk and create a new ad. He had an idea to also put deprivation as part of his idea for the whole milk campaign. Not having milk at a crucial moment when it was needed was a strategy used to make people think that milk was needed in the household for any crucial moment needed. Soon he started creating campaigns with cupcakes and sweets and adding the "got milk?" slogan making it seem that milk was needed to go along with sweets and any tasty food. The sales started increasing as each idea became more and more beneficial to people. Adding milk as a fashionable thing to do was another bright Idea. People drinking milk were now cool said manning and the popularity of mile started increasing its sales more and more. All in all the whole idea of the "Got Milk" ad was created to increase sales and many ads and commercials started expanding and making more popularity to people as it become more and more needed and wanted by people and the household.
BOC Week 6 Chim Chim Cheree
Pic-O-Pay- Toothpaste
Fluoristan-Crest Commercial
Hexachlorophene- Tact Soap a beauty soap
GL-70- toothpaste
Dermasil -Lotion
Lanolin wave- Hair grease
Boo-boop- Shaver
Tufsyn- Rubber in tires
Retsyn- Additive to absorb scent
Acrylan- Fiber
Melmac- Plastic Dinner wear
Orlon- Acrylic fiber
Korlan- Fruit
Accutron- Watch part
Teflon- cookware nonstick
Ban-Lon- pullover
Blue Magic whitener- cheer laundry detergent commercial
Fastback- Tire
Autronic Eye- Cadillac
Platformate- Shell Commercial
it goes two miles more.
Nasograph- a mirror that
Naugahyde; Mercury car commercial
The giant who lives in my washing machine- sovo laundry detergent
jolly and green- Jolly Green Giant commercial
tiger who causes my gas tank to flood- Esso gas commercial
handsome white knight- Ajax
Man with an Eyepatch- Hathaway shirts
that nut who flies into the front seat for Hertz- rental car commercial
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
EOC Week 5 " Super Bowl Commercial"
So this is my favorite super bowl commercial. The reason I chose this commercial was because it had a lot of humor in it when they are trying to promote to upgrade there latest technology and buying it the latest one and when it's old best buy buys it back. They have a lot of ideas and strategy they implement in this commercial. They take Ozzy Osborne an old heavy metal singer and puts him in a commercial to promote the latest g in technology. Since he is old and he doesn't know what the latest g network is so they replace him with the young pop singer Justin Beiber who in this specific time knows what the latest g is. They strategize in this commercial by adding old and replacing it with new which is Ozzy Osborne to Justin Beiber. Why upgrade to a new version? To replace old televisions with the latest one to watch a super bowl which is a plasma screen television with HD for better quality and sound. To keep up with the latest technology that comes out so you are not the only one left behind when someone else know about it. How? By buying a new television and when a newer version of technology comes out best buy buys the old to replace it for a newer version. Very cool and interesting way of thinking to promote upgrading. I in my opinion thought it was a clever idea to promote something especially in the super bowl since men love a lot of technology also. I found it very hilarious also because most guys wont even know who is Justin Beiber is, easy to find out what they concept is when they start talking about the promotion and how they embed it to a technological commercial. Super bowl season is an easy way to promote stuff that men like since men cannot miss the super bowl. The whole concept all in all is to upgrade by using this clever promotional commercial full of ideas, strategy, and design.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Week 4 EOC "The Role Of Women In Advertising"
“You know what? You’ll be right, too,” was quoted by BrantleyPaine in The New York Times. Brantley said that "the spots are meant to compliment on women who are tired of hearing stuff from their husbands".As I read kept reading through this article it says that the main role for women is to portray women as smart and intellectual. It also kinda in my own opinion said that women are the most buyers when it comes to home products and such. They like to add women to advertisements not for their appeal but more for their intelligence since men sometimes lack that.
Another ad I read quoted on Rosie The Riveters quote “We can do it!”. This article explained how this quote launched women for increasing the work in the labor force. Many women were hired by factories since the men were off at wore and many factories were left without employees. Through this article it talked about how woman and men have different roles in advertisements. It gave the example of a woman in a Mr. clean commercial and a man in a beer commercial and how it changes the perception of both sexes if it were to be flipped around. Women are more caring and more home like than the men, men are more laid back and working type. It also talks about how socialization of gender can affect attitudes and behaviors towards the opposite sex. It talks about how many people can find it disturbing if a male is seen playing a female role. They give the example of a woman hosting a home shopping network selling clothes and jewelry. Shopping is a sport in the contemporary American society. If a man was seen hosting a home shopping network many people would question his sexuality. Different roles are meant to be for different sexes in our society since we are very stereotype.
In the last article I read it talked about how women in advertisements are to adorn the product they are selling as sexy and attracting. Carefree girl, the sportsy one, the glamour bomb and the domesticated housewife are all familiar portrayals in advertising to peddle their products. "Decorative models are passive and non-functional and their primary activity is to adorn the product/service as a sexual or attractive stimulus. They are like mannequins with the least lifelike of roles. 'She' is in an artificial world, often obviously so in the way she stands and looks (dummy poses and catalogue expressions)" was quoted in this article. It has expanded as a world of commercial realism in which we are given images of domestic life and male-female relationships which are not actually real but which provide us with a slice of life'. Females roles in advertisments are meant to be in the kitchen or shopping which is why many of our ads include women doing some kind of daily activity. As I kept reading it talked about how in the 1990's many advertisers have been trying to multiple possible identities for women in an effort to change stereotypical images to enhance power. It shows the many identities they have for women now and the many roles they can partake.
All in all women are seen differently if they were to take a mans role so many of the advertisements and roles women have is to sell product giving women a sense of knowledge and to make the product look and feel sexy which a man cannot easily do.
Another ad I read quoted on Rosie The Riveters quote “We can do it!”. This article explained how this quote launched women for increasing the work in the labor force. Many women were hired by factories since the men were off at wore and many factories were left without employees. Through this article it talked about how woman and men have different roles in advertisements. It gave the example of a woman in a Mr. clean commercial and a man in a beer commercial and how it changes the perception of both sexes if it were to be flipped around. Women are more caring and more home like than the men, men are more laid back and working type. It also talks about how socialization of gender can affect attitudes and behaviors towards the opposite sex. It talks about how many people can find it disturbing if a male is seen playing a female role. They give the example of a woman hosting a home shopping network selling clothes and jewelry. Shopping is a sport in the contemporary American society. If a man was seen hosting a home shopping network many people would question his sexuality. Different roles are meant to be for different sexes in our society since we are very stereotype.
In the last article I read it talked about how women in advertisements are to adorn the product they are selling as sexy and attracting. Carefree girl, the sportsy one, the glamour bomb and the domesticated housewife are all familiar portrayals in advertising to peddle their products. "Decorative models are passive and non-functional and their primary activity is to adorn the product/service as a sexual or attractive stimulus. They are like mannequins with the least lifelike of roles. 'She' is in an artificial world, often obviously so in the way she stands and looks (dummy poses and catalogue expressions)" was quoted in this article. It has expanded as a world of commercial realism in which we are given images of domestic life and male-female relationships which are not actually real but which provide us with a slice of life'. Females roles in advertisments are meant to be in the kitchen or shopping which is why many of our ads include women doing some kind of daily activity. As I kept reading it talked about how in the 1990's many advertisers have been trying to multiple possible identities for women in an effort to change stereotypical images to enhance power. It shows the many identities they have for women now and the many roles they can partake.
All in all women are seen differently if they were to take a mans role so many of the advertisements and roles women have is to sell product giving women a sense of knowledge and to make the product look and feel sexy which a man cannot easily do.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
EOC Week 3 Thank You For Smoking
- 1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame? In this frame we can see that a man is smoking in a woman's face. The woman is very concentrated in his face.
- 2. What is the setting? What are the conditions? The setting of the entire picture looks to me like a sunset scenery to add a romantic touch to the ad.
- 3. Who are the people or groups? The people in this ad is a young woman and man.
- 4. What is their point of view around this specific experience? The point of view in this ad looks like a positive view. The woman seems to be happy that the guy is smoking in her face. It doesn't seem to bother the woman at all, it seems to impress her as she smiles at him.
- 5. What are their goals? The goals of this ad is to promote young audiences to smoke by saying that you can impress and win a woman over with a smoke with the smell and taste of cherry, blueberry, and grape.
- 6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions? The assumption in this ad is that they assume that by adding a flavor and scent of fruit to cigarrettes that woman will be more acceptable and attracted to men that smoke.
- 7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation? There is cooperation in this ad as they put the girl and guy together as the young man smokes and the woman enjoys seeing him smoke.
- 8. What are the outcomes? The outcome of this ad is that they will probably win more woman and men over to buy there product to impress each other with a variety of exotic tastes of flavors in a cigarrette.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
1. In this add Diet pepsi try's to sell it's product by saying that if you drink a diet
pepsi it will make you look beautiful. The whole idea of this ad is to make women think about
there image and make themselves feel like they need to look skinny to be beautiful. Dieting is a way to keep a a good image so what other than to drink a diet pepsi to not ad those extra calories that
other soft drinks carry.
2. This next ad try's to make women buy victoria secret products through marriage.
The strategy used for this ad is to use a catchy line that has to do with wedding and bridal.
All women want to look beautiful and sexy for their one true love. The white lingerie adds that
marriage concept since wedding attire for women is always white used to symbolize purity or innocence. "From "Yes" to "I do", all in love with our bridal collection, 2 important words used
when you get married "Yes" and "I do" fitting it to the pieces to sell more product for any
3. This ad is very provacative and sexy at the same time. The whole concept of this ad is to sell
there underwear through its design. This picture shows good looking toned men all working out in there Dolce Gabbana underwear. Surprisingly the viewers eyes go directly towards the underwear since it is the one thing that pops out the most if you know what I mean. The many different colors and styles for this can be seen since each man has a different set of underwear. Another concept I think would be there idea for selling Dolce Gabbana. Women and gay men LOVE men in underwear so they try to make the consumer buy more of there product through a fantasy like scene. It can also sell through the idea of making men look sexy in underwear for any occasion.
pepsi it will make you look beautiful. The whole idea of this ad is to make women think about
there image and make themselves feel like they need to look skinny to be beautiful. Dieting is a way to keep a a good image so what other than to drink a diet pepsi to not ad those extra calories that
other soft drinks carry.
2. This next ad try's to make women buy victoria secret products through marriage.
The strategy used for this ad is to use a catchy line that has to do with wedding and bridal.
All women want to look beautiful and sexy for their one true love. The white lingerie adds that
marriage concept since wedding attire for women is always white used to symbolize purity or innocence. "From "Yes" to "I do", all in love with our bridal collection, 2 important words used
when you get married "Yes" and "I do" fitting it to the pieces to sell more product for any
3. This ad is very provacative and sexy at the same time. The whole concept of this ad is to sell
there underwear through its design. This picture shows good looking toned men all working out in there Dolce Gabbana underwear. Surprisingly the viewers eyes go directly towards the underwear since it is the one thing that pops out the most if you know what I mean. The many different colors and styles for this can be seen since each man has a different set of underwear. Another concept I think would be there idea for selling Dolce Gabbana. Women and gay men LOVE men in underwear so they try to make the consumer buy more of there product through a fantasy like scene. It can also sell through the idea of making men look sexy in underwear for any occasion.
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