Wednesday, November 9, 2011

EOC Week 6 "Copywriting"

What I found out about this slogan is that during 1984 presidential election Walter Mondale used the Slogan to wag a finger at his democratic opponent during a primate debate. It went on to be adopted by businesses hungry for "think big" catchphrases. It was created to boost sales and used Mrs. Peller to send that message through the world. It was also used to push burgers became the national expression. The campaign in 1983 played up the absence of heat lamps at Wendy’s and the use of fresh burger patties. The idea for 1984 was to tackle size. It also was a cry to make Wendys stand out in the downsizing of burgers. Many of the food industries such as Mc Donalds for example started making small patties which is why Wendys stepped up their game to inform people that their product had more to offer. They remade the video and added a guy wearing a t-shirt that with the slogan. He walks around the whole city and ends up in front of a wendys ad saying "Heres the beef". After 27 years the ad answered the question in it's commercial and found a clever way to answer the question that actress Peller asked everytime she ended up in a drive thru or a telephone. "Heres the beef" informed everyone that the beef was always found at Wendys making it stand out more. All in all this is slogan was pushed to make other food competitors look like they did not offer as much meat as Wendys. It was incorporated to inform people that the other fast food places were beginning to downsize on the beef. At the end of the video they say " At Wendys You Dont Have To Ask, Where is the beef?"telling the audience that their product offers more beef than an other food franchise and that you don't have to ask at Wendys where the beef is because it is found with them.

In this commercial we see that Mr. Miller has lost his arms due to not having strong bones. Jeff Manning was hired to revive low milk consumption in the U.S in 1993. He then hired a ad agency to create a new campaign ad for milk. Milk sales began declining and milk processors decided to charge extra fund to create new advertisements. Later the created the whole notion that milk was healthy and beneficial to the public. Beginning in the World War 2 milk was  promoted to be healthy. The U.S department of agriculture recommended milk as part of the dairy group. Manning later decided to link food and beverage together and decided to step up and make another campaign for milk. Adding cookies and brownies was a way to make that connection with milk and create another ad. The team decided to link sweet food with milk and create a new ad. He had an idea to also put deprivation as part of his idea for the whole milk campaign. Not having milk at a crucial moment when it was needed was a strategy used to make people think that milk was needed in the household for any crucial moment needed. Soon he started creating campaigns with cupcakes and sweets and adding the "got milk?" slogan making it seem that milk was needed to go along with sweets and any tasty food. The sales started increasing as each idea became more and more beneficial to people. Adding milk as a fashionable thing to do was another bright Idea. People drinking milk were now cool said manning and the popularity of mile started increasing its sales more and more. All in all the whole idea of the "Got Milk" ad was created to increase sales and many ads and commercials started expanding and making more popularity to people as it become more and more needed and wanted by people and the household.

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